Monday, January 19, 2009

A Tiny Loss

Today, I came to my parent's house and saw some jewelry on the table, SNATCHED up a tiny vintage bug brooch and pinned it onto me. I loved it, no idea if it was supposed to be for me or not...wore it out today, lost it!!!!!!!! And when I got back here, my mom said "you can have anything you want on the table except for the bug"...laughingly I looked down to see the cute guy on my shirt and he was gone. I wanted to cry. I was in deep sh*t and I lost the beautiful bug. My mom is verrrrrrry upset with me and that makes me sad. So I bought these online just now, for her guest a "sorry". I hope she forgives me or something. siiiiiiiiiigh.


  1. I guess I missed you today at the Tustin Flea. However, I did get to see your new designs, FaBuLoUs!

  2. You know, no matter how old our kids get, they are still our kids and we love them even though there are times we just want to strangle them!! My kids are now 25,27,&29 and I still call them "kids". Your post above made me laugh and don't worry, your mom is cool, she'll forgive you! Take care, Sue
